Monday, April 7, 2008

The Perfect Ending To The Bad Day I Was Just Beginning

Let's not kid ourselves. Even I got bored re-reading that last post. Good golly, it just kept going, and unless you follow those shows, no one would have blamed you for stopping after the first paragraph. If you were to write a blog about American Idol and Prison Break, I would have bailed at the title. Like an art major in the quantum physics section or Mike at, I have no business reading any of that.

With finals bearing down and the job hunt concluding, there hasn't been much else mulled over in a while. Yes, my White Sox are tied for the AL Central lead as of 2pm today, notably after sweeping the tigers over three games in Detroit. But we're tied with the royals, who also swept the tigers, so it kind of loses some prestige. I did however, pull out a win in the first week of my fantasy league, (Really, picking a major league team and following their stats to try and garner a victory? How could I not involve myself in this?) thanks to Pudge Rodriguez going o-3 in the last game of the week.
So essentially, I've been running on Krispy Kreme's and Monster drinks this past week. It's not too bad to be honest. Takes a while getting used to the swings of sugar and glucose levels, but once you do, you handle it quite well. You want to know the craziest, and easily the best, part of living like that- the dreams. I have no explanation for it, but they're all pretty vivid and extremely random. For instance: One involved playing a skee-ball game to perfection, resulting in something like 19,500 tickets which equaled $450 in merchandise. I was buying IPods and car stereo speakers with chuck-e-cheese tickets. And of course, this was all completely rational. The other one started on the baseball field and somehow wound up in class studying the movies of Val Kilmer. Again, it all made sense.

Here's the thing: I don't know if I want to give it up. Really, I have been able to survive on donuts and energy drinks. Let that soak in. I've mixed in a little orange juice here and there, but by and large, caloric intake has been dominated by glazed donuts and Kaos Monsters. It's fantastic. Of course, I realize the health concerns, and this is a major reason why I'm not keeping it going. The other is the financial side of it. If you figure you down one large Drink a day and about half a dozen donuts, that means you're staring at a bill of about $8 a day. Now, if I had the discipline and lack of regard for society, I could do it it cost wise. But I like eating nice food. I like stepping out for dinner, and occasionally lunch. (Side bar: I love the sticky fingers at wingers. So much so I bought a bottle of the sticky finger sauce and have draped it all over any chicken dish possible. The best so far... dipping Wendy's nuggets in it. It's no tootsie rolls, but it's close.)

So I'll have to leave this for special occasions, or wicked hard tests. Both demand such a fare. Word


Jared said...

I didn't want to be the one to tell you, so I'm glad you figured it out on your own that the last post was not good. I'm glad to see that your back to your true form again.

Rick said...

Dude, it sucked. It sucked out loud. I enjoyed writing it, but reading it sucked because it was so scatter brained. It needed to be chopped in half and more concise. I realize that, especially after re-reading the baseball post. That mnight be my finest work of the semester right there.