Friday, October 15, 2010

We Can Dance Until We Die, You And I, We'll Be Young Forever

Have I said how much I love a good analogy? I love them so much, I often have to pause just so I don't speak completely in them. If pressed, I think I could go three days where at least one out of every three sentences was a metaphor, simile, or part of an anecdotal analogy. And the more rustic the better.

Jared also is a big fan of the metaphor. One time him and I went to eat at Tucanos. If you're unfamiliar with the place, or Brazilian grills in general, then go out at night and pick out a star. It will stop shining because of you. Essentially, they have people bringing you delicious meats on skewers, non-stop. My salivary glands are producing as well. Well, after gorging ourselves, we were walking around trying to remember a fitting metaphor. When we couldn't come up with one, we called his mom. It should be noted his mother was born and raised, and still currently resides in Arkansas. Jared asks her "If you just had a big meal and wanted to say you were full, you would say you're fuller than..." and without a moment's hesitation, she's finishes with "a tic." As though it was the only answer.

These are the lengths I'm willing to go to find a good analogy. So, I was making some brownies today (you ask 'why', I ask 'why not') and before putting the bowl in the sink, I took a long drag with my finger and licked the batter. Even caught a walnut (of course I put walnuts in my brownies). You want to know the first saying that came to mind while enjoying that sweet delight, 'Old bird-dog can still hunt'.

Which got me thinking. What are some of those critical things that I refuse to let go by the wayside? I mean, by all accounts, I have no business licking un-cooked batter. I know what's in it and I certainly know the hazards implied. Doesn't stop me. Doesn't even slow me. It's one of those primal kid-like reflexes that I have managed to retain. Of course, I went on to think of other things that maybe I should have stopped doing, but have no desire to. Here they are:

  • Lick cake/brownie/cookie batter from the bowl
  • Play that crane game in the walmart* entrance
  • Read comic strips like 'Zits' even though I'm probably closer to the parent's age, than the kid's
  • Eat ice cream out of a mini baseball helmet (or dippin dots. Marty brought them back from the future)
  • Buy a pack of baseball cards. Still do it at least once a year
  • Play with anything involving a remote control that isn't a TV
  • Cannonball into a pool (I think I'm actually getting worse)
  • Try out the baseball speed gun at ballgames
  • Consider 3-4 donuts and a glass of milk a well-balanced breakfast (or lunch)
  • Turn the radio up when Amy Grant or Paula Abdul come on
  • Watch 'Boy Meets World' (just watched the one where Topenga moves to Pittsburgh. It got a little misty around here)
  • Use the term 'Dude'
  • Walk down the 'Hot Wheel' aisle, and imagine massive track sets designed to launch the car
  • Wear black every August 12 (If you don't know why, type 'MLB August 12, 1994' into Google)
In my defense, this list is much shorter than the one I probably could have made two years ago.



Unknown said...

I still:
* write with good 'ol pen and paper instead of typing everything like most people do these days.
* request the hard copy of a book instead of the audio version for our work book club. I am one of two people that does so in our group of 10. Print wont die on my watch!
* kiss my hand and touch the roof of my car when I go through a yellow light.
* make a wish at 11:11. Or heck, make a wish on stars and birthday candles.
* believe in Santa Claus. Hey, in my house, if you don't believe, you don't get presents. Therefore, I BELIEVE!
* always pull my oreos apart before eating them.

Don't worry. I'm right there with ya. I like to call myself "old fashioned," a.k.a. "normal".

Laura, Ella, and a Pair of Toms said...

Here is a good analogy for you: "It's like looking a gift horse in the mouth." Yeah, Tom used that on me and I was like, "What in the heck are you talking about? Who's got a horse?" Ha! And your list of "still do" cracked me up :) I do all those and more. Don't be ashamed. Be proud that you have fully embraced your inner child! :)

britrussl said...

Do you remember when we were kids and would tell mom we were going to ride our bikes to the "library" during the summer, only instead we'd ride to the donut place and buy as many donut holes as our allowance could afford, then try to stuff them all into our mouths and finish them by the time we rode home? All without acting like it took us any extra time to do that?

That may be my favorite childhood memory. Cheeks full of donut holes and ridin' my bike with you.

I don't know how this is related to your post...other than you reference donuts, which got me thinkin', and made me crave one. Or three.

Love you.