Tuesday, December 9, 2008

How Can I Be Lost, When I've Got No Where To Go

Two things off the top: 1) How amazing was the Dark Knight? I picked it up (funny story and I hate to sidebar this early, but it must be done. I went to walmart* at midnight Tuesday morning to be one of the first ones to get it. I was expecting a crowd because this was easily the best movie to come out in years and if you don't get it for Christmas let me know. I might have to remedy that. However, I forgot that I live in a retirement community where no one is awake after ten. I get there and it's empty. In fact, they had the main alleys cardoned off for polishing. I don't have any reports from how the Orem walmart* was that night, but I like to think there was a line.
So I brought in an ad from CVS which said they would drop the price down to $10 if you bought $15 in iTunes cards. A no-brainer as I definitely use iTunes. However, it took two walmart* employees twenty minutes to figure out how this deal worked and why I would want to do such a thing. Granted, it was midnight and I was asking for a $5 discount on a movie, but I didn't expect it to be such a production. Needless to say, I got it, at the price I wanted, and left questioning who was the more dumb party: them for their actions, or me for expecting something better from the late night walmart* staff.) and watched it, you have to pick up from the beginning of the sidebar. It was still just as amazing. It did seem a little longer then it did in the theater, but still solid from start to finish. No regrets with the purchase.
2.) I miss baseball like school kids miss the spring. The winter meetings are a tease that is supposed to tide me over from November to April. Good luck. It's not working. On the plus side, being in Florida means I haven't bought season tickets for the arizona fall league. You know I would have. Front row.
Finally, give it up for Greg Maddux. Now give it up again. He deserves it. Probably more, but that's all I ask of the public. Easily, the best pitcher of my generation. One of the top ten guys I either currently regret, or will regret not seeing play. (Also on the list: Ken Griffey Jr, Pedro Martinez, and Jim Edmonds [he probably won't make the hall, but he made the game look fun]). Watching him pitch was mesmerizing. The best hitters in the league would look like high schoolers. If I could raise my kids to be like one athlete, it would be Greg Maddux. Here's to you. Word.


Courtney said...

You're funny.
Jared and I will have to rent Dark Knight this week...I still haven't seen it.
However, my mom DID send us 3-D polar express for Christmas! YAY!

Jared said...

Cubs v Reds - Wrigley Field, May 2006. Yourself, Mike, and I all watched the Little Cubbily Wubbilies beat Ken Griffey Jr and the Reds. We enjoyed delicious Wrigley dogs and experienced the urinel troughs. How could you forget?

I'm positive that I'm the only that read this post that caught it, but well done on the up-to-date walmart* usage. All lower case, no hyphen, with an exploding star at the end. You are up to speed. Impressive!!

Michelle said...

Dark night was terrifying.