Thursday, November 25, 2010

I Could Be Chasin' But My Time Would Be Wasted

Yeah, midterms are in 10 days and finals a week after that, but it's Thanksgiving, and I've got to do laundry, so I figured why not put a list of the things I'm thankful for. Now, this is not the obvious list of things like family, friends, gospel, tootsie rolls, roof over my head and freedom. Not to say I don't appreciate those things, but this is the list of things that make me think 'Oh yeah, this is why my life is awesome' on an hourly basis.

Peach fruit snacks by Haribo. Or basically anything by Haribo. Grab yourself a bag. And then, go onto and realize that you can sign up to have a 5 lb bag delivered every month. Almost pulled the trigger twice already.

Sunglasses. I wasn't sold on them until I moved to Arizona 2+ years ago, but now...well, I almost had them Fedex-ed down to my island when I left them at home after a break. (Side note- I still don't like talking to people while wearing them. Most of my non-verbal clues are eye-related, and the sunglasses obscure that.)

Chris Farley. To know him is to love him, and to love him is to miss him.

Books. Maybe it's because I live in a place that does not have a walmart* $5 bin, or a Blockbuster 4 for 20 deal, but this past year I can firmly say that I spent more on books than DVD's. And that's not including text books, just pure reading for pleasure. My dilemma now is that when I move back to the States, I'll know that I can read books for free at the library, but I really like having them on a shelf. What's the tipping point where I say, that's too much money to own, I'll just read it from the library? I don't know. I mean, if it's a dollar or two, that's worth just to not worry about late fees, but beyond that...

CMT. There are about 10 radio stations here that are at least in part English. None of them are country stations. I'm not the type of guy who needs only country, but I need me some country. CMT, bless their hearts, roll non-stop videos for the bulk of the day. It's fantastic. I get home from class, watch a replay of SportsCenter and then turn the channel to CMT and let their smooth sounds carry me through my studies for a bit.

The Spring of 2006. Why? Simple. This guy:
He taught me that I should never try to grow out a mustache again. Ever. (Side note- that dude has two more NBA championship rings than Karl Malone, Patrick Ewing, Charles Barkley, Steve Nash and Dwight Howard combined. He can clap with the best of them.)

Barney Stinson. I only met this guy within the past year, but I can tell you that he is fantastic.



Word. (Yes, I'm thankful for 'Word.')

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