Saturday, January 16, 2010

It's Something Unpredictable But In The End It's Right

2010 Resolutions:
  • Watch every episode of 'The Jersey Shore' and die laughing (check so far!)
  • Consume my weight every month in granola bars
  • Eat at every restaurant on this island at least once
  • Go to a gym (Not use any of the equipment, of course. More of a recon mission)
  • Acquire more t-shirts from random clubs or events
  • Be known as the King of something (something cool would be preferred, but beggars can't be choosers)
Not a bad list, I would say. You might assume I might not be able to do the second one, thinking that this island has a short supply of them. But you couldn't be more wrong. The Costco-esque store here carries at least three different brands, guaranteeing me enough variety to accomplish the task. Aside from those, I spent the past week or so trying to develop New Year's Resolutions. I honestly did. Here's what I've got:
  • Make sure to review every class at least twice a week
  • Read the books I have before the end of this semester
  • Make better resolutions for next New Year
That's it. And one or more of them might have been made up as I was typing the other(s). Looking back on the past year there have been many things that were great, and some less than great, but I have to say, I don't think I would have changed any decision, even knowing the consequences. This might be the first non-mission year that I can say that without reservation. I don't know if I should feel proud that it is, or sad that the other were not. (Let's not kid ourselves, we both know I'm proud of the current accomplishment. Anything positive, I'm all about.)

Hence, this year, I would say the sky's the limit, but we all know that's false. Let's recap why:
  • I live on an island smaller than most cities.
  • I have a coursework load that if ever took serious would consume all of my time.
  • Although I could have a social life, it wouldn't lead to me finding someone.
So, that does put some parameters on my expectations for this year. Do not worry though. I plan on doing pseudo amazing things. I have no clue what those might be right now, but then again, last January I had no clue I would be going to med school on an island right now. I kind of like living with no clue. It keeps things interesting for me.


Unknown said...

Thank you for making me laugh. I enjoy being entertained.

Laura, Ella, and a Pair of Toms said...

I would worry about eating at every restaurant on the island...take a peek in their kitchens first...ew... :)