Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Cause I Got A Feeling, This Could Be One Of Those Memories

So how have your past 36 hours been? I assure you, mine have been more dramatic. I don't say that often, and I less often can actually back it up. But right now, I can. I'm 99% sure I can.
Yesterday morning was midterm exams, and this time I had put in some serious study time to put out the small fires that were lit last midterms. I went in, did my thing and left feeling like I scored between an 85 and 90 on all three (this is pretty good considering the class averages are typically low to mid 70s). Went home, ate some lunch and got a message saying that the scores from one of the tests had been posted. I checked the grade, and it wasn't what I was expecting. It was a 48.

That's not your dyslexia cropping up, it really is a 48. Now, I've over projected my test results before, and they've come back 5-10 points lower than I expected. It's disappointing, surely. However, scoring 40 points below what you expected. It was like getting hit in the chest with a bag of manure. It makes you start to question everything you think about yourself. My buddy Dan and I were going to grab some pizza a couple minutes after I checked the score and I spent the whole walk over thinking about how on earth this could have happened. I mean, I thought I knew the material. I had put in the time.

At one point, I began questioning whether or not I was truly smart. I mean, sure some people might say that, but maybe it's because I'm ugly and they want something nice to say. That got me thinking about whether or not I was moderately attractive. So, because of that 48, I began to think, maybe I'm an aesthetically sub-par, less than intelligent fellow.

We have lunch and I'm going into to defcon 5. I'm asking random people if they know someone who works as a private tutor. I'm downloading the notes that will be covered in three weeks. An email is sent asking the professor to meet with me and go over the test, question by question so I don't make the same mistakes on the final. I was borderline panicking.

It's not like I haven't failed tests, because I certainly have. I hung a 32 in Accounting 210 at BYU. But the difference is, when I handed in the accounting test, I knew I was going to be lucky to get a 50. A 32 was acceptable, and wound up curving up to a 'B-' (Overall hardest class I have ever taken. Credit-for-credit however would have to go to the Organic Chemistry lab. 2 credits of demonic torment there). But when you expect a 90 or so, and wind up getting half of that, you feel your axis shift.

So the rest of the day had a dark tint as I was trying to figure out how on earth I could turn this around. My friends were meeting up to go swimming and fishing off of one of their docks. I went over and more or less forgot about it for a couple hours. (Didn't catch any fish, but saw these two kids bring in two or three by using a spear gun. I really want a spear gun now.) Came home to find another message saying another test score had been posted. This one was right about where I expected it to be.

However, it surprised me that it was posted so late. It wasn't up at 4:45, but by 7:30 it was up. So after checking that one, I figured well, might as well see if the professor responded to my email. I pull up the course page, hit the refresh button, and my grade jumped to an 88.

I've never hit control-P so fast in my life.

I was not letting that go. I hit refresh a couple more times to see if this was some sort of joke, but no, it was legit. Then I found an email saying that there was a some sort of mix up with the initial posting of the grades, but has been corrected. In one swoop, I was smart and attractive again. Had a fantastic dinner where I ate more sushi than I probably should have, and slept like a baby.

This morning was class as usual, and after that I went to get a hair cut. My sister's getting married in a month, and I knew I couldn't make it that long. So, I decided to get it cut now, this way, if it turns out bad, it will grow into something presentable between now and then. And I'm glad I did. In case you were wondering, the '#4' setting for clippers here is somehow not the same as it is in the states. The #4 here is more like the #2 back in the states. She warned me that it was going to be close, but I didn't realize how close until she cut a swath by my ear. And then there was no turning back. Now I have a decent buzz cut that will look normal in two weeks, which is one week before the wedding. Real glad I thought ahead on this one.

Right after the hair cut, Dan, Ray and I went to the beach to relax/celebrate after midterms. It was a perfect day. Slightly overcast, with a gentle breeze while the waves playfully lapped up the coastline. Took a short nap after settling into some chairs, turned over for a little and then just chilled for a while. After a couple hours being there, people started to leave.

Then, we look straight out and see a woman swimming toward two kids. I've seen enough people swim to know when they are swimming to have fun, and when they are swimming for a purpose. She was in the second group. The part of the beach we were at had a huge shore break, which makes it nice to watch, but makes it very susceptible to a rip tide. And these two little kids were certainly stuck in it. I got up and watched the lady for a minute, trying to see if she would be able to help. It became quickly evident she would not.

And then the lifeguard training from years back kicked in. I went in with two other guys. One of them went to lady, and the other one and I caught up to the kids. I don't know for sure what happened to the guy who was with me, but he seemed to disappear quickly. Now I'm swimming to shore with the two kids on my arm. I timed the waves and caught some footing under the water. The wave ebbed and I withstood most of it, but not all of it. Warning the kids that there was going to be one more wave, I got ready for one more great push. We all rode that wave far enough where I could firmly set my feet, and holding the two kids at my waist, endured the backwash. I walked out holding them for a couple steps when two other guys showed up and I handed each of them a kid.

I wasn't sure if the lady was back yet. I turned around and saw that the guy who was helping her was getting the job done, so I relaxed a little and waited until she was back on her feet and walking up the beach.

I can tell you this. I am out of shape. After just five minutes (maybe) of strenuous effort, I was tuckered for the next 15. Ridiculous. Does this mean I'm going to start exercising? You must not know me. At best, maybe I'll start running once a week. Maybe.

Oh and I got an 82 on the third test. A little lower, but still above the class average and more than enough to keep things going smoothly.

All of that happened between 6:45am on Monday morning, and 6:45 pm Tuesday afternoon.
How was your past 36 hours?



Brian said...

wow... mr. baywatch.. nice save... Way better than any 88 on a test, you saved some lives!

Rick said...

Well it's like my mom always said:

Some people stand in the darkness
Afraid to step into the light
Some people need to help somebody
When the edge of surrender’s in sight..

My mom, or David Hasselhoff. I can't remember.

britrussl said...

"some people stand in the spotlight..." cue david hasselhoff.

LOVED that you saved kids. email mrs allgeyer. she'd be so proud. even during lifeguard training i don't think i could have saved a soggy stuffed animal from drowning.

LOVED that you got your hair cut for my wedding. even the groom hasn't checked that off his list of things to do yet.

And as for the grade-panic attack: welcome to grad school. they should warn everyone during orientation that grade postings come with heart attacks each semester. hope the first grader got fired.

Kudos on your scores though!

Mom said...

We are very proud that you were willing to help someone who needed help. You had a really good day.

Jake said...

What an awesome post.