Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I Hope To See You Soon, Because You're Fond Of Me And I Am Fond Of You

Please don't ask me to explain how this works, because to be honest, I don't know. I just booked my flight to home and back for after this semester. It was a little steep, even for a flight into and out of St Maarten. So I held off for a while. Then today, I realize that the White Sox are playing at Yankee stadium during the second weekend of my break. I work around this and realize that it is $10 cheaper to fly to Florida for a week, then New York for a little less than a week, and fly back to St. Maarten. Oh, and it was cheaper to book the legs separately, and they became direct flights instead of transfers. Not kidding.

Somehow, by flying twice as far, and taking less planes (ok, it's the same, but only because I got directs to NY and from NY to StM. That counts for something) I save $10. I'm not complaining in the least. I'm shocked really. Essentially, they paid for my soda. Well maybe they paid for my soda. Yankee Stadium is ridiculously expensive, so they might have only paid for my pretzel. I'm pretty stoked about the whole thing. Nothing like taking a vacation from your vacation.

This is totally a Russell family thing. We like going to places for no more than a week at a time. So, if we have a break, vacation, or something similar for more than a couple weeks, there's a good chance we're going to more than one place. We simply like to see as many different things as we can. For example, two years ago, my parents went to Germany for a business/vacation trip. I was in my last semester of business classes which I knew would not be factored into my science GPA, nor would I get less than B's, so I took a week off and went out as well. Why not. However, after a couple days of seeing some of the sights, we realize that we're kind of close to Amsterdam. Next day, there we go. Then we figure, since we're here, let's go see Belgium. So we do. That's just kind of how we are.

My parents often spend a month or two in Park City. They like to get away from the Florida summers, and enjoy the serenity of the mountains. But only for so long. Then the walls start closing in, days start dragging along, and before you know it, cruises are booked. To Alaska. Again. Why not.

I've caught hold of this and love it. Christmas breaks are always a week in Florida and a week in Utah. This break it's a week in Florida and a week in New York. Next one, I might end up spending a week or so on your couch, so please keep it clean for me. Why not.


PS. For the record, this is the second time I've flown to New York to watch a baseball game. And pitchers and catchers report in less than two weeks. I miss baseball like the world misses Calvin and Hobbes.

1 comment:

Ricky Jr. said...

What the world needs now is Spaceman Spiff and rousing game of Calvinball. Perhaps T-Rex in F-16s could do a fly by during the game.